
Thursday, March 17, 2011

IIM-Indore gdpi exp.

location: hyderabad
date : 02/03/2011
essay topic: women are more effective bosses than men . agree or disagree with supporting arguments

wrote it nice ..i guess :)
wrote against the topic(saying that women are not effective compared to men  :) ) i was not getting solid and sufficient examples to write in favour of them ..
started the essay with who is a boss,his responsibities,where do women fall behind...then gave some stats ..ended it smoothly....


p1: tell me about urself
me: blah blah blah

p1:what is cloud computing?
me:( thought of telling that i am from ece and we do not have anything of this sort..) had heard of this term told him that it is a virtual thing..blah blah

p1:how does it differ from other tech?
me: told

p1:is the company XXX a leader in cloud computing?
me:(XXX is the company in which i am wrking ..BTW i have 6 months of work ex after my engg....2010 passout)
...thought for 2 min and said yes...(but was wondering..said yes bcoz reason)

me:(ufff!!!!!!!!thought for a while.) then linked my company's work with cloud computing(with what i thought cloud computing can be??) and told them regarding that..

p1:what does XXX get by cloud computing
me:blah blah

p1:what does client get by cloud computing?
me:blah blah

p1:why has now cloud computing come into picture all of sudden when ppl have been using this tech from long

p1:any other tech which works similar to cloud computing?
me:dont know any other name but gave an example of one software which works similarly

p1 is done with his questioning now...
p2 enters into the scene..

p2:why do u want to do mba

p2:is mba reqd?cant u do without mba

p3:did u hear of NGO names working in education sector?
me:dont know names..but there are many

p3:so how would ur goal be different from what an NGO does

p3:it seems u are interested in social issues
p3:what is CSR

p3:what does XXX do for CSR

p3:is it really "social"

p3:what are the social issues in AP
me:started with microfinance...was telling them ..

p2:how does the system work

p2:what is the crisis in AP

p2:why AP only..when there are many other states doing that
me:told but not that much gud answer

p3:who started it
me:mohd yunus

p3:how does MF work in bangladesh

p3:is it a sucess there/

p3:then why not in AP

p3:what are the decisions signed when loan is given
me:started...gave 1-2(there are 16 decisions actually) ...but was interrupted when i said about education has to be made available to their children when they take a loan...

p3:is it being and in bangladesh

p3:yunus is in scams..what scams

p3:so do u think he started it for business and not for social benefit
me:gave convincing answer

again p2

p2:what is HDI

p2:what are the factors taken into account

p2:what is INDIA's rank

p2:which institue gives these ranks
me:(??????) dont know...

they look at each other and say..we are done u have any questions...
me:no ..thank you ...
thank you..done .....


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